Monday, May 23, 2016

stop motion

Scratch Board

This piece of art is made from scratch board and i put dye on the eyes and nose to make it pop.

Water color flowers

For this project we had to use water colors. I decided to paint flowers in various colors of pinks and purples.

Facial Feature

The facial feature I choose was actually two. I choose to paint a eye and eyebrow. I used paints and around five different colors of blue for the iris.

2D art

I picked Bambi as my fairy tale story I was suppose to make a picture of. I used tissue paper and numerous layers of construction paper.

Sisters of Mercy

This piece of art portrays a hand giving out pencils but it means more then that. It symbols every pencil as education for the various young girls who have a mercy education. The hand is the various teachers who teach at the Mercy schools. It was made with various pencils.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Pop Art

This 3D piece of Art took a long time from gathering the materials to sewing her clothing together. i painted her face with numerous coats.